Terms and conditions

Article 1. Applicability.
1.1 These General Terms and Conditions apply to all offers, orders and agreements of Colors Atelier Lisette.
1.2 Accepting an offer and / or placing an order means that you accept these Terms.
1.3 It is only possible to deviate from the provisions of these Conditions in writing, in which case the other provisions remain in full force.
1.4 All rights and claims, as stipulated in the Conditions and in any further agreements for the benefit of Colors Atelier Lisette, are also stipulated for the benefit of intermediaries and other third parties engaged by Colors Atelier Lisette.

Article 2. Offers / agreements.
2.1 All offers from Colors Atelier Lisette are without obligation and Colors Atelier Lisette expressly reserves the right to change prices, in particular when this is necessary on the basis of (legal) regulations. See also article 3.5.
2.2 All agreements are only concluded after acceptance of your order by Colors Atelier Lisette. Colors Atelier Lisette is entitled to refuse orders or to attach certain conditions to the delivery, unless explicitly stated otherwise. If an order is not accepted, Colors Atelier Lisette will communicate this within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the order.

Article 3. Prices and payments.
3.1 The stated prices for the products and services offered are in Euros, including VAT and excluding handling and shipping costs, any taxes or other levies, unless stated otherwise or agreed in writing, concerns deliveries within the Netherlands, and within thirty (30) days of the invoice date. if it concerns deliveries outside the Netherlands, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
3.2 Payment can be made by prepayment or upon collection. When paying by bank, the date of payment is the date of crediting the bank account of Colors Atelier Lisette.
3.3 If the payment term is exceeded, you will be in default from the day that payment should have been made and from that day you will owe default interest of 1% per month or part of a month on the outstanding amount. If payment takes place after a reminder by Colors Atelier Lisette you owe an amount of twenty-five (25) euros in administration costs and if Colors Atelier Lisette outsources its claim for collection, you also owe the collection costs, which are at least fifteen (15) percent of the outstanding amount, without prejudice to Color Atelier Lisette's authority to instead claim the extrajudicial collection costs actually incurred.
3.4 If you are in default with any payment, Colors Atelier Lisette is entitled to suspend or dissolve (the implementation of) the relevant agreement and related agreements.
3.5 If the prices for the offered products and services increase in the period between the order and its execution, you have the right to cancel the order or to dissolve the agreement within fourteen (14) days after notification of the price increase by Colors Atelier Lisette. 

Article 4. Delivery.
4.1 The delivery times stated by Colors Atelier Lisette are only indicative. However, exceeding the legal delivery period of 30 days gives you the right to cancel your order with a refund of any amount paid. 4.2 The delivery of the products takes place at the time when the products are ready for shipment.


Article 5. Retention of title.
5.1 The ownership of the delivered products is only transferred when you have paid everything you owe Colors Atelier Lisette. The risk with regard to the products is already transferred to you at the time of delivery.

Article 6. Intellectual and industrial property rights.
6.1 You must fully and unconditionally respect all intellectual and industrial property rights that rest on the products delivered by Colors Atelier Lisette.
6.2 Colors Atelier Lisette does not guarantee that the delivered products do not infringe any (unwritten) intellectual and / or industrial property right of third parties.

Article 7. Complaints and liability.
7.1 You have the obligation to check on delivery whether the products comply with the agreement. If this is not the case, you must inform Colors Atelier Lisette of this as soon as possible and in any case within fourteen (14) days after delivery, at least after observation was reasonably possible, by e-mail or by telephone and with reasons.
7.2 If it has been shown that the products do not comply with the agreement, Colors Atelier Lisette has the choice to replace the products in question with new products or to refund the invoice value.
7.3 If you do not wish to purchase a product for whatever reason, you as a private individual have the right to return the product to Colors Atelier Lisette within thirty (30) days after delivery.
7.4 However, articles that are specially made to measure or have a personal print or embroidery cannot be exchanged. The same also applies to underwear and/or swimwear, which cannot be exchanged for hygienic reasons.
Article 8. Guarantee.
The warranty period is 2 years after receipt of products.
Complaints due to externally visible defects must be submitted in writing by the client in accordance with the contract conditions, but no later than fourteen (14) days after receipt of the goods. Complaints received by Colors Atelier Lisette after the expiry of this term do not need to be handled by Colors Atelier Lisette.

Article 9. Orders / communication.
9.1 For misunderstandings, mutilations, delays or improper transmission of orders and communications as a result of the use of the internet or any other means of communication in the traffic between the customer and Colors Atelier Lisette, Colors Atelier Lisette is not liable, unless and insofar as there is intent. or gross negligence on the part of Colors Atelier Lisette.

Article 10. Force majeure.
10.1 Without prejudice to its other rights, In the event of force majeure Colors Atelier Lisette has the right, at its own discretion, to suspend the execution of your order, or to dissolve the agreement without judicial intervention, by means of written notification and without that Colors Atelier Lisette is obliged to pay any compensation, unless this would be unacceptable in the given circumstances by standards of reasonableness and fairness.
10.2 Force majeure is understood to mean any shortcoming that cannot be attributed to Colors Atelier Lisette, because it is not attributable to its fault and cannot be attributed to it by law, legal act or generally accepted views.
Article 11. Miscellaneous.
11.1 If you provide Colors Atelier Lisette in writing of an address, Colors Atelier Lisette is entitled to send all orders to that address, unless you inform Colors Atelier Lisette in writing of another address to which your orders should be sent.
11.2 If Colors Atelier Lisette permits deviations from these Conditions, whether or not tacitly, for a short or longer period of time, this does not affect its right to demand immediate and strict compliance with the Conditions. You can never assert any right based on the fact that Colors Atelier Lisette applies these Conditions flexibly.
11.3 If more or less of the provisions of these Conditions or any other agreement with Colors Atelier Lisette should be in conflict with any applicable legal provision, the relevant provision will lapse and will be replaced by a new legally permissible one to be determined by Colors Atelier Lisette. comparable provision.
11.4 Colors Atelier Lisette is authorized to make use of third parties in the execution of your order (s).

Article 12. Applicable law and competent court.
12.1 All rights, obligations, offers, orders and agreements to which these Conditions apply, as well as the Conditions, are exclusively governed by Dutch law.
12.2 All disputes between parties will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in the Netherlands.